Jumat, 13 September 2013

Ir Sukarno

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President Sukarno1945 - 1966 

Ir. Sukarno
The first president of Indonesia , Sukarno, who used to be called Bung Karno , born in Blitar , East Java , June 6, 1901 and died in Jakarta , June 21, 1970 . His father named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and his mother Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai . During his life , he had three wives and was blessed with eight children . Fatmawati wife have children from Guntur , Megawati , Rachmawati , Sukmawati and thunder . Wife of Hartini have Typhoon and Bayu , while the wife Ratna Sari Dewi , Japanese derivatives woman 's real name Naoko Nemoto Kartika have children ..Soekarno childhood just a few years living with his parents in Blitar . During elementary school until graduation , he lived in Surabaya , lodger in the house Haji Said Oemar Tokroaminoto , veteran politician founder of Syarikat Islam . Then continue their education at HBS ( Hoogere Burger School ) . While studying at HBS , Sukarno has galvanized spirit of nationalism . After graduating HBS in 1920, moved to London and continued to THS ( Technische Hoogeschool or Engineering High School which is now the ITB ) . He won the title " Ir " on May 25, 1926 .Then , he formulated and established the doctrine Marhaenisme PNI ( Nationalist Party lndonesian ) on July 4, 1927 , with the goal of independent Indonesia . As a result , the Netherlands , put into prison Sukamiskin , London on December 29, 1929 . Eight months later a new trial . In his defense Sues titled Indonesia , he showed apostasy Netherlands , a nation that claimed more advanced it .The defense made ​​the Dutch more angry . So that in July 1930 , the PNI was dissolved . After his release in 1931 , Sukarno joined Partindo and well led . As a result , he was re- arrested by the Dutch and exiled to Ende , Flores , 1933. Four years later moved to Bengkulu .After a long struggle , Bung Karno and Bung Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence on August 17, 1945 . In BPUPKI session on June 1, 1945 , Ir.Soekarno forward their ideas about the state he called Pancasila . Dated August 17, 1945 , Ir Sukarno and Drs . Mohammad Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence . In the trial PPKI , August 18, 1945 Ir.Soekarno unanimously elected as the first President of the Republic of Indonesia .Previously , he also managed to formulate that later became the basis of Pancasila ( ideology ) of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia . He tried to unite the archipelago . Even Sukarno tried to gather the nations of Asia , Africa , and Latin America to the Asian-African Conference in Bandung in 1955, which later evolved into the Non-Aligned Movement .G-30-S/PKI uprising spawned intense political crisis that led to rejection of the Assembly on accountability . Instead the Assembly appointed Soeharto as Acting President . His health continued to deteriorate , which is on Sunday, June 21, 1970 he died at the army hospital . He was buried at Wisma Yaso , Jakarta and was buried in Blitar , East Java near the tomb of his mother , Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai . Confer the government as " Proclamation Hero " .

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