Jumat, 13 September 2013

Adolf Hitler

Who does not know Adolf Hitler . Chaplin mustache figure is known as a unique person , hard , cruel , cold , however, known affectionately to children . Background and a hard life full of disappointment drove it into the brain unyielding war machines . Often , nature , and the establishment of a person's behavior is the result of his past experiences . Hitler as a child is a child who is rejected . His father hated him and considered his behavior is " antisocial " it is a curse because they Hitler 's father ( Alois Hitler ) to marry his own niece .
Adi ( Adolf Hitler's first name ) was born on 20 April 1889 in a small town in Austria near the German border and not of families . His father was a hard to educate a child is his mother ( Klara ) very good to him . His mother was one of the few people who really loved by Adolf . His mother strongly believes that his son is a genius , and always consider their children to normal , although as a child is showing symptoms of destructive and antisocial . Age 18 years , Adolf had become an orphan after his mother died and his father had died the previous first . Childhood suffused with hatred of his father 's and abusement contributed greatly in mental and psychiatric adult Hitler . There are things that we must understand that , never underestimate the " revenge childhood " .
Hitler originally wanted to be an artist ( not a soldier / politician ) . As an art lover , then he tried to sign up for an art school in Vienna , Austria , but was rejected because its value is less good . This refusal has a big impact on him . Frustrated , orphanages , no money , so he's for about a year to be homeless, living on the mercy of others on the road . During that time , he also began to hate the Jews , immigrants who live more luxurious , and is confirmed by the hearing of lectures that are " anti-Semitic " by the Vienna mayor Karl Lueger .

Lueger theories that blame the economy and political turmoil to the Jews , mengispirasinya be a hater of Jews throughout his life . It also considers the building ideology and Aryan race was supreme . Many people say , if he had been accepted at the art school , maybe Hitler would just be an artist like Picasso , for example, history may well be a different story . This is where lies the importance of a Hitler , he changed history ( although to the road which is considered one ) . His lines like a destiny that can not be changed .

When life is getting harder , World War I broke out . Without doubt Hitler signed up to be a soldier with the rank of Corporal . In 1914 , Germany took part in World War I. During the war in the front line , he was injured , discharged and get a medal for bravery . During the war , Hitler gradually became a patriot to Germany even though he himself was not a German citizen ( he was born in Austria ) . Therefore , when Germany lost the war , he could not accept the fact , as for Hitler , Germany is the strongest . He then blamed the " traitors " civilians , mainly Jews as the cause of Germany lost the war .

Germany devastated after losing the war . The situation is very pathetic to the cities that were destroyed , the high soaring price , coupled with the advent of communist revolutionary movements . Finally Hitler held a " Putsch " is a small coup , but it failed and caused him to go to jail . Hitler hated people from various ideologies , including communism ( Karl Marx was a Jew ) , capitalist and socialist liberal . Hitler was actually a military career only to the rank of corporal , you can imagine how great that person , he became Army Commander who feared all over the world during World War II . Disappointed with the defeat of Germany , Hitler was entered into the Labour Party members who later became the NSDAP ( National Socialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei ) and left his military career .
In 1920, Hitler became head of Propaganda . This is where Hitler's seen talent in the field of speech and agitation . One year later , Hitler became party chairman . 1923 was a year full of crisis for the Weimar area , then the area Rhur controlled by France , the mortal enemy of Germany . In 1925 Hitler was released from prison , Hitler , compile and rebuild his party , the NSDAP was destroyed . Finally in 1926, Hitler got the absolute authority of the party . Hitler was a great orator , " lion podium " , a speech that could that could hypnotize his audience .
Peak collapse of the Weimar Republic , beginning as the world economic crisis in 1929 . The right- and left -wing radicals affect the unemployed to make melee everywhere . Jiggle the state government in a very chaotic and exploited by Hitler to increase his popularity by giving encouragement to people to get out of the crisis that is devastating the country caused by the act of German Jews who mastered the German economy and other European countries .
In 1930 , the prestige of Hitler gaining altitude , and in 1932 , the NSDAP became the strongest party , when elections NSDAP received sequence number 1 . On January 30, 1933 , Hitler was appointed as Chancellor ( Prime Minister ) , but Hitler's cabinet drawn from the right wing , independent politicians and experts in their field . But it all just engineering Hitler , absolute power still in hand . All subject to the orders of Hitler . In the end, the party making the middle class " pledge determination " that it states about providing power to the Hitler Reich and for the glory der Deutschland ueber alles .
After a really strong , with a variety of reasons the entire party was wiped out except the NSDAP . The unions are destroyed , there is no freedom of the press , improved sensors , human rights taken for granted and unappreciated . Therefore , that should take precedence is the public interest and the interests of the state , not the individual . So rampant terror and cruelty . Anyone who does not sefaham considered enemies of the state , because blocking the noble aim of promoting the glory and greatness of Germany .
Cleaning the anti- Nazi was by all means a very cruel . Thousands of residents lost not clear where his body . Parliament only in name , power entirely in the hands of the Führer . With the death of President Hindenburg in 1934 , Hitler greatly facilitate the course . Chancellor of the presidency and put together , so that the power in the hands of Hitler , and assumed command of the armed forces . After power is getting stronger dipemerintahan , beginning Hitler implement anti - semitnya program . Little by little the civil rights of Jews removed .
His ambition want to be a world leader . On September 1, 1939 , Hitler invaded Poland , which led to World War II created that lasted five and a half years killed over 55 million people . Germany conquered Poland , Denmark , Norway , Netherlands , Belgium , France , Yugoslavia and Greece . At the time of the war the Soviet Union , Hitler's troops almost a little longer manjangkau Moscow , while in South Africa , the Suez Canal was threatened . In 1942 , Hitler committed mass murder by poisonous gas included in the room or be killed just like that . Countries that have been conquered Hitler , only Jews who were herded into concentration camps and then killed . The number of Jews who had been murdered by Hitler estimated 6 million people . The war continues to take place in the end Germany was defeated by the allied forces . April 30, Russian forces had surrounded the building Konselerei . Admiral Doenitz who have a mandate from Hitler finally surrendered unconditionally to the Allies as well .
Death of German dictator Adolf Hitler who believed disebuah bunker committed suicide on April 30 1945di Berlin , remains a mystery and is still questionable . During this time , keatian Hitler was very mysterious because there were no witnesses who can point where the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun ( his wife ) . According to another version on April 29, 1945 when Tantara Russians have surrounded the city of Berlin , Hitler committed suicide with Eva Braun firing head and committed suicide by taking pills bercun . No one witnessed the incident and the source of the story was just word of mouth and actually Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun in the bunker that is false

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